What expenses occur after someone dies and how can I limit them?

In addition to coming to terms with personal loss, families mourning the death of a loved one are faced with a mountain of administrative tasks. These can be costly, and it is also easy to forget how much time such tasks require.
Certain costs, such as funeral expenses, are for the most part fixed. All funerals, for instance, involve preparing and transporting the body, organizing the ceremony, and cremation or burying the deceased. All these services cost money.
But how much?
The prices charged for funerals in Switzerland are entirely unregulated. Additionally, Swiss funeral parlours do not generally advertise their prices.
Grieving family members are already saddled with various administrative formalities and often lack the time—and concentration—to request and compare price quotations. As a result, they may end up overpaying. That is why we advise looking into the various options in advance and making arrangements ahead of time. RTS, a Swiss public service broadcaster, recently explored how much it costs to die in Switzerland (in French): https://pages.rts.ch/emissions/abe/9849793-meme-la-mort-a-un-prix.html
It is also possible to submit a request to the deceased person’s bank so that money from their account can be used to cover funeral expenses. While most banks freeze accounts upon the account holder’s death, others will consider such requests.
Below is a list of the many tasks and expenses that arise after someone passes away, as well as the associated time and cost. We have also given an idea of how much time and money a completed end-of-life document can save. These figures are based on interviews with several people who have handled a death as well as numerous articles and studies cited at the bottom of this page.
Costs and time required for tasks completed within the first 48 hours following a death
Costs and time required for tasks completed between 48 hours and 6 months following a death
Making arrangements for the end of your life will streamline the process for your loved ones, thereby saving them time and money. And you’ll have peace of mind knowing that everything has been taken care of. Your family will be relieved to have written proof of your final wishes, thus avoiding family strife.
To summarize, tooyoo:
- Helps reduce death-related expenses by at least CHF 2,500 thanks to its careful preparation process
- Saves your loved ones at least 25 hours of work by providing a detailed checklist that automatically generate standard letters.
- Provides insight into your final wishes
- Gives designated individuals secure, direct access to confidential data at the right time
Don’t wait to create your end-of-life document.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us here.
Interviews with clients and others who have previously handled arrangements surrounding a death. Various research and articles (in French):
- https://www.ch.ch/fr/funerailles-quels-modes-de-sepulture-existe-t-il-en-suisse/
- https://www.frc.ch/ne-pas-faire-le-deuil-du-libre-choix/
- https://www.frc.ch/tous-les-couts-sont-permis/
- http://www.chrysalide.ch/alaviealamort/combien.pdf
- https://www.lematin.ch/societe/mourir-coute/story/27882487
- http://www.enterrement.ch/prix-couts-enterrement-suisse.html
- http://www.famille21.ch/2010/12/le-cout-des-funerailles/
- http://www.cassar.ch/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/edition-1.pdf